Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...19202122232425...31NextPepsi Beverages CompanyProfilewww.pepsico.com905 E Lakeview DrJohnson City, TN 37601-2303423-928-9211EmailTim Swecker is no longer with this location. James Ellington is the Unit Manager. DISTRIBUTORSPerformance Food ServiceProfilewww.performancefoodservice.com100 Buffalo Road ExtensionJohnson City, TN 37601423-979-5115EmailWholesale food service distributor to restaurants, hotels, schools, healthcare, etc.FOOD & BEVERAGE SUPPLIERS & VENDORS, DISTRIBUTORSPioneer Industrial Sales LLCProfilewww.pioneerindustrialsales.com272 Industrial Private Dr.Blountville, CO 37617423-323-9200EmailPioneer Industrial Sales is a leading provider of a wide range of industrial supplies with a reputation for high quality products and on-call delivery of needed stocks, both day and night. We Sell Service!DISTRIBUTORSPisgah AVLProfilewww.pisgahavl.com16A National AveFletcher, NC 28732828-585-4787EmailPisgah AVL offers turn-key audio visual solutions for corporate meetings, conferences, installations, and live events. Our team specializes in creating engaging and immersive environments– communicating your message and captivating your audience.MEDIA / ENTERTAINMENTPisgah Roofing & RestorationProfilepisgahroofingandrestoration.com4704 N Roan St, Suite 4Johnson City, TN 37615423-380-1646EmailPisgah Roofing & Restoration offers repairs, inspections, total roof replacement, ongoing maintenance, and significant storm damage rehabilitation. We provide in-home remodeling and additions, siding replacement and painting services.CONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORS, HOME AND BUSINESS REPAIR/MAINTAINANCEPit Stop Wash CenterProfilewww.pitstopwashcenter.com2530 East Oakland AvenueJOHNSON CITY, TN 37601423-282-0689EmailPit Stop Wash Center consists of a laundromat for self service or drop-off, a car wash with self serve and automatic bays, and a self serve dog wash. We also have leased spaces on site that contain a beauty salon, dog groomer and restaurant.Polyarch Architecture & Design, LLCProfilewww.polyarch.studio108 W 10th Ave. Suite #1Johnson City, TN 37604423-915-9412EmailServices include:Full Phase Architectural Services (Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Permitting, Bidding, Construction Administration)Interior designProject ManagementLandscape designSustainable designARCHITECTSPowell Construction Company, IncProfilewww.powellcompanies.net3003 Industrial DrJohnson City, TN 37604423-282-0111EmailCONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORSPower Tool CompanyProfilewww.powertoolco.com1709 Lamons LaneJohnson City, TN 37604423-926-2174EmailDistribution of Commercial Outdoor Equipment ProductsDISTRIBUTORSPreferred Choice HomesProfilewww.preferredchoicehomes.com3303 N Roan StreetJohnson City, TN 37601423-853-4663EmailPreferred Choice Homes is a supplier of manufactured homes. While providing a variety of choices to suit each client's particular requirements and tastes, we are dedicated to assisting our clients in finding their ideal home.REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIALPrestige AestheticsProfilewww.prestigeaesthetics.com217 E Unaka AveJohnson City, TN 37601423-302-0858EmailMEDICAL SERVICES - NON TRADITIONALPrice & Ramey InsuranceProfilewww.priceramey.com1524 Bridgewater LaneKingsport, TN 37660423-246-6181EmailCOMMERCIAL AND PERSONAL INSURANCE AGENCYINSURANCEProCompounding PharmacyProfileprocompounding.com527 N. State of Franklin RoadJohnson City, TN 37604423-975-0597EmailProCompounding Pharmacy is a woman-owned independent pharmacy. We specialize in compounding, which is the method of preparing customized medications to meet unique physician and patient needs. We serve the Tri-Cities and Eastern United States.PHARMACIESProfile Products LLCProfilewww.profileproducts.com60 Davy Crockett Park RdLimestone, TN 37681-6028423-257-2051EmailMANUFACTURINGPromoproProfilewww.promoprollc.com5275 Fort Henry DriveSte. 4Kingsport, TN 37663423-207-0592EmailPromotional Marketing CompanyProsim Engineering LLCProfilewww.prosimeng.com240 Suncrest Dr, Suite 4Johnson City, TN 37615423-477-8314EmailProviding Professional Structutral Engineering Services Since 2003ENGINEERING FIRMSQuality Trophy and EngravingProfilequalitytrophyjc.com3300 WEST MARKET STJOHNSON CITY, TN 37604423-928-3307EmailWe are a full service awards business. We specialize in name badges, name plates, and door signs for schools and businesses. Business plaques, acrylic and glass awards, and sports trophies, plaques, awards and custom gifts.TROPHIES & PLAQUESQuillen Rehabilitation Wesley StreetJohnson City, TN 37601-1723423-952-1700EmailInpatient Rehabilitation FacilityHOSPITALS/HEALTH SYSTEMSRainbow Water Restoration of Tri-Cities, N Roan St107Johnson City, TN 37604423-930-7000EmailRainbow Restoration of Tri-Cities is your 24/7 emergency service specialist, offering expert solutions in water, fire, smoke, mold, biohazard incidents, and reconstruction. Our highly skilled team is equipped to handle restoration challenges quckly.RESTORATION - FIRE, WATER AND SMOKERapid Dry RestorationProfilewww.rapiddrytn.com100 Sugar Hollow Road SouthMorristown, TN 37813423-312-6425EmailOur goal is to help families and businesses recover from disastrous situations with our water and fire restoration and mold removal services. we are available 24/7, 365 days a year. Serving East Tennessee and the surrounding counties.CONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORSNew SearchPrev1...19202122232425...31NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More