Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...2425262728293031NextThe Salvation Army of Johnson CityProfilewww.salvationarmy.org204 W Walnut StJohnson City, TN 37604423-926-2101EmailORGANIZATIONS / NON-PROFITSThe Trust CompanyProfilewww.thetrust.com119 Boone Ridge Dr, Suite 302Johnson City, TN 37615423-232-0280EmailTrust and Investment ServicesFINANCIAL & FINANCIAL ADVISORSThe Wilson AgencyProfilewww.thewilsonagencytn.com300 Main StSTE 404Johnson City, TN 37601423-952-1872EmailCOMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT, LEASING, AND MANAGEMENTREAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIALThe Yates AgencyProfilewww.theyatesagency.com309 Princeton RdJohnson City, TN 37601423-670-7907EmailPersonal. Commercial Insurance. Life and Financial.INSURANCEThomas Construction Company IncProfilewww.thomascon.com9 Wesley CtPO Box 4806Johnson City, TN 37602-4806423-282-3251EmailCONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORSThomas Weems ArchitectProfilewww.thomasweemsarchitect.com3203 Hanover RdJohnson City, TN 37604423-952-2700EmailArchitecture and EngineeringARCHITECTSThompson & LittonProfilewww.t-l.com115 E Watauga AveJohnson City, TN 37601423-928-1175EmailARCHITECTS, ENGINEERING FIRMSThrive Life Advancement MinistriesProfileWww.thrivelam.com2020 Northpark Dr. Suite 1GJohnson City, TN 37604423-202-3865EmailNon-profit specializing in faith and evidence based life-coaching and community outreachTidal Wave Auto SpaProfilewww.tidalwaveautospa.com604 Leisure LaneJohnson City, TN 37604706-938-0991EmailVisit Tidal Wave in Johnson City for a car wash with prep, free vacuums, & interior cleaning supplies.CAR WASHTiebreakersProfilewww.tiebreakers.com1805 N Roan StJohnson City, TN 37601865-436-5650EmailTiebreakers is a premier entertainment eatery destination for guests seeking unique games, a superior rewards system, delicious food, exceptional service, and a fun environment where everyone is invited to relax and engage in friendly competition thaRECREATION / ENTERTAINMENT / FAMILY FUNTime & PayProfile N. Boone St.Johnson City, TN 37604423-854-9042EmailTime & Pay is a locally owned and operated company with offices centrally located in Johnson City, TN. We opened in 1992 specializing in professional payroll processing and integrated, automated time and attendance services.PAYROLL SERVICESTN Dept of Economic & Community N Roan StJohnson City, TN 37601423-290-1520EmailECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTTom Scott Attorney at LawProfilewww.streetlawfirm.comPO Box 2100Grundy, VA 24614276-935-2128EmailATTORNEYSTone Up Business Consulting LLCProfilewww.toneupbusiness,com258 Lake Ridge Dr.Jonesborough, TN, TN 37659423-433-7879EmailWith Over 20 years of experience, we offer the following services: - Strategic Planning- Change Management & Communication- Marketing Strategy & Tactics- Corporate Culture- Business Process ImprovementFluent in English, Spanish and PortugCONSULTANTS - BUSINESS/MGMT/DEVELOPMENTTony DeluciaProfile902 Millercrest DrJohnson City, TN 37604423-534-1881EmailINDIVIDUALSTop Drawer Cabinetry & MoreProfiletopdrawertn.com1361 Prospects WayGray, TN 37615-5238423-444-3462EmailFinished Carpentry - Fabrication and Installation of Built-ins, Pantries, Closets, Roll-out Shelves, Garage Organization, Mudrooms, Specialty TrimCONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORSTop Hat Heating and CoolingProfilewww.tophatheatingandcooling.com3708 W Market StJohnson City, TN 37604423-913-2000EmailHEATING/AIR CONDITIONING SALES/SERVICE/EQUIPMENTTown of Jonesborough / Visitors CenterProfilewww.jonesborough.com117 Boone StJonesborough, TN 37659423-753-1010EmailGOVERNMENT SERVICES, TOURISM PARTNERSTown of Unicoi / Town HallProfilewww.unicoitn.net3600 Unicoi DrP O Box 39Unicoi, TN 37692423-743-7162EmailGOVERNMENT SERVICESThe Townview Senior LivingProfilewww.thetownview.com114 W Fairview AveJohnson City, TN 37604423-328-9068EmailSenior Independent Living CommunitySENIOR LIVING - ASSISTED, INDEPENDENT, NURSINGNew SearchPrev1...2425262728293031NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More