Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...891011121314...31NextETSU-Gatton College of Box 70436Johnson City, TN 37614423-439-2068EmailCollege of PharmacySCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONETSU-James H Quillen College of Box 70694Johnson City, TN 37614423-439-6315EmailSCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONETSU-Martin Center for the ArtsProfilewww.etsumartincenter.orgPO Box 70706Johnson City, TN 37614423-439-8587EmailFocal point for the arts that provides students, faculty, staff and community with new experiences in visual and performing artsSCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONETSU-Research CorporationProfile Box 70439Johnson City, TN 37614423-747-2747EmailThe ETSU Research Corporation formed to connect, convene and create world-class innovation at the speed of business. Through collaboration, our mission is to drive economic prosperity in the Appalachian Highlands.ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTETSU-University AdvancementProfilewww.etsu.eduPO Box 70721Johnson City, TN 37614423-439-4242EmailSCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONETSU-University Career Box 70718Johnson City, TN 37614423-439-4450EmailHigher Education Institution. Career PlacementSCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONEverlan at Dominion Senior LivingProfilewww.everlanjohnsoncity.com2623 Peoples StJohnson City, TN 37604423-283-3499EmailIndependent Living for Active Senior 55+SENIOR LIVING - ASSISTED, INDEPENDENT, NURSINGExcimiaProfileExcimia.com493 Teaneck RoadTeaneck, NJ 07666201-340-1616EmailBUILDERS-DEVELOPERS MANAGEMENTExpress Employment ProfessionalsProfilewww.expresspros.com2909 E Oakland Ave, #103Johnson City, TN 37601423-282-4672EmailStaffing ServicesEMPLOYMENT AGENCIESFACE AmusementProfilewww.faceamusement.comP.O. Box 86075034 Bobby Hicks Highway, Ste #2Gray, TN 37615423-477-4619EmailRECREATION / ENTERTAINMENT / FAMILY FUNFairfield Inn & Suites Hamilton PlJohnson City, TN 37604423-900-8640EmailHOTELS/MOTELSFamilies FreeProfilefamilies free.com693 Princeton RdJohnson City, TN 37601423-747-6821EmailFamilies Free is a 501(c)3 organization designed to build better communities through the transformation of vulnerable families, especially those affected by incarceration.COUNSELING & THERAPY SERVICESFamily Promise of Greater Johnson CityProfilewww.familypromisejc.comP O Box 205Johnson City, TN 37605423-202-7805Non-profit providing shelter, food and case management to homeless families with children through a coalition of churches, volunteers and community service agencies.ORGANIZATIONS / NON-PROFITSFanatics 101Profilewww.fanatics101.com2011 N Roan St, #8Johnson City, TN 37601423-434-0356EmailFanatics 101 offers a wide selection of sports apparel at affordable prices, with great customer service.We offer the latest merchandise from NFL, NBA, MLB, NCAA, and NHL.We also offer embroidery, monogramming, custom decals and t-shirts, and framed jerseys.SHOPPING / RETAILERS / DEPARTMENT STORESFarm Bureau Insurance - Kevin BroylesProfilewww.fbitn.comPO Box 188Jonesborough, TN 37659-0188423-753-2106EmailINSURANCEFarm Bureau Insurance - Roger Waco FieldsProfilewww.fbitn.com503 Princeton Rd, UNIT AJohnson City, TN 37601423-283-4780EmailINSURANCEFarmers Insurance - William Bartra W Oakland Ave STE 170Johnson City, TN 37604423-928-3276EmailINSURANCEFiber ConNext / NAC RAM IncProfilewww.fiberconnext.com208 N Roan StJohnson City, TN 37601423-430-9800EmailELECTRICIANS, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES, NETWORK CABLINGFidelity Peoples St, STE 108Johnson City, TN 37604423-928-0739EmailFinancial planning, brokerage and investment, wealth management and advisory servicesFINANCIAL & FINANCIAL ADVISORSFirehouse Restaurant & CateringProfilewww.thefirehouse.com627 W Walnut StJohnson City, TN 37604423-929-7377RESTAURANTS & CATERERSNew SearchPrev1...891011121314...31NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More