Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...16171819202122...31NextMarketing MelProfilewww.marketingmel.com1312 Willow Springs DrJohnson City, TN 37604423-335-7267EmailInnovative marketing, public relations and social media strategies.PUBLIC RELATIONS, BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTSMarmo Financial Group, LLCProfilewww.marmofinancial.com801 Sunset Drive, A-1Johnson City, TN 37604423-282-0514EmailFINANCIAL & FINANCIAL ADVISORSMarsh Regional Blood CenterProfilewww.marshblood.com2428 Knob Creek RdJohnson City, TN 37604423-282-7090BLOOD & PLASMA SERVICESMartin SquareProfile Petie WayGray, TN 37615423-549-4050EmailMartin Square is a brand-new community of 3 and 4 bedroom townhomes for rent in Gray, TN.APARTMENTSMary Greenbriar Cir2Johnson City, TN 37601423-863-5756EmailHow I bring beauty to youMy goal is to support you in feeling Healthier and more Beautiful than ever so that you can continue to Inspire others to care about themself as you do. To help highlight your unique Gifts and bring Confidence to your amazing Smile. I'm here to help with personalized one-on-one consultations, parties with friends, virtual parties, makeup tips, skin care advice, or free samples. You can always try before you buy! Conveniently Order Online, by e-mail, or phone. Let’s start a Beautiful Friendship!My Favorite Best-Selling ProductTimeWise Repair® Set Shop with Me:BEAUTY - SALONS/SERVICES/PRODUCTSChuck MasonProfile1956 King Springs RdJohnson City, TN 37601423-416-8757EmailPAST PRESIDENTINDIVIDUALSMassey ServicesProfilemasseyservices.com2513 Wesley St Suite 4Johnson City, TN 37601423-218-2779Email CONTROL SERVICESMattern & Craig, IncProfilewww.matterandcraig.com403 E Market StJohnson City, TN 37601423-979-2220EmailENGINEERING FIRMSMaudi & CompanyProfile1318 Oxford PlJohnson City, TN 37601704-728-2895EmailMy business addresses the need for affordable, sustainable housing in East Tennessee by developing Tiny Home Communities with high-quality homes and shared spaces that foster a strong sense of community and environmental stewardship.REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS & INVESTORSMcInturff & McInturff, PLLCProfilewww.mcinturfflaw.com801 Sunset Dr, Bldg E-2Johnson City, TN 37604423-282-6000EmailATTORNEYSMeade TractorProfilewww.meadetractor.com2000 Tri Cities CrossingKingsport, TN 37663423-349-5001TRACTOR SALES & SUPPLIESMerrill Lynch Wealth Princeton Road, Suite 1Johnson City, TN 37601423-282-5191EmailPersonalized Wealth ManagementFINANCIAL & FINANCIAL ADVISORSMilligan UniversityProfilewww.milligan.eduPO Box 189Milligan College, TN 37682-0189423-461-8700EmailMILLIGAN IS A 4 YEAR CHRISTIAN LIBERAL ARTS UNIVERSITY, NATIONALLY RECOGNIZED FOR EXCELLENCE IN ACADEMICS, SOCIAL, AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENTSCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONMini Mall StorageProfile S Roan StreetJohnson City, TN 37601423-456-9880EmailMini Mall Self Storage offers the best selection of clean and affordable units near you. Our knowledgeable and professional staff will find you a perfect storage solution. You can rest easy with the peace of mind knowing that your belongings are secuSTORAGE SOLUTIONSMitch Cox CompaniesProfilewww.mitchcox.com2304 Silverdale Rd, #200Johnson City, TN 37601423-282-6582EmailMitch Cox Companies is a full-service real estate solutions company that offers development, architectural, construction, brokerage, property management services, and hotel management services. Our company has over 30 years of experience and is the leading regional provider of comprehensive real estate services.REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIAL, REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS & INVESTORS, CONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORS, REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RETAILModern Forge of Tennessee LLCProfilewww.modernforge.com501 Rock LanePiney Flats, TN 37686-0100423-538-8185EmailManufacturer of carbon and alloy steek forgingsMANUFACTURINGMoffitts Cleaning ServiceProfile208 Mark DriveJohnson City, TN 37615423-262-3409EmailFemale owned commercial and industrial cleaningJANITORIAL & CLEANING SERVICESMoody Dunbar, IncProfilewww.moodydunbar.comPO Box 6048Johnson City, TN 37602-6048423-952-0100EmailFOOD & BEVERAGE SUPPLIERS & VENDORSMooney’s PharmacyProfile N Roan StJohnson City, TN 37604423-926-7333EmailEstablished in 1986, our Johnson City, Tenn. pharmacy is committed to superior care for Northeastern Tennessee and neighboring states. Known for expertise and principles, we ensure consistent, exceptional service that fosters trust and wellness.PHARMACIESMorris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation ServicesProfilewww.morrisbaker.com2001 E Oakland AveJohnson City, TN 37601-2127423-282-1521EmailFUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICESNew SearchPrev1...16171819202122...31NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More