Business Directory Women Owned/LedNew SearchPrev12345NextThe423Team Brokered by EXP Realty LLCthe423team.com833 Liberty DriveMallory Lane #100Kingsport, TN 37663239-822-4126EmailWe are an all female owned real estate team with over 50 years experience in real estate, mortgage and training.REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS & INVESTORSTone Up Business Consulting LLCwww.toneupbusiness,com258 Lake Ridge Dr.Jonesborough, TN, TN 37659423-433-7879EmailWith Over 20 years of experience, we offer the following services: - Strategic Planning- Change Management & Communication- Marketing Strategy & Tactics- Corporate Culture- Business Process ImprovementFluent in English, Spanish and PortugCONSULTANTS - BUSINESS/MGMT/DEVELOPMENTTransworld Business Advisors of NE TNProfileHTTPS:// W. Andrew Johnson HighwaySuite BMorristown, TN 37814423-312-9119EmailBusiness brokers. Helping people buy, sell or franchise their businesses.Tri-Cities Social Sportsplayinthetri.org248 Hillendale LnJohnson City, TN 37615423-747-3377EmailWe are a recreational club for adults 21+. We organize different sports leagues all year round, as well as daily tournaments. We support local businesses through corporate teams and sponsorships. We also gather to socialize at these local businesses.HEALTH & WELLNESS/GYMS & FITNESSTrinity Chaplain ServicesProfilewww.trinitychaplainservices.com1185 W. Mountain View Road3112Johnson City, TN 37604423-794-8727EmailServices from Trinity Chaplain Services include wedding officiant, funeral officiant and counseling services. I am prepared to provide a listening ear to people experiencing grief, trauma, end-of-life, and mental health conditions.COUNSELING & THERAPY SERVICESUptown Properties LLCWWW.Uptownkeyproperties.com2702 South Roan StreetJohnson City, TN 37601276-623-7035EmailREAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIALNew SearchPrev12345NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More