Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...6789101112...31NextDawn of Hope, IncProfilewww.dawnofhope.com500 E Oakland AveJohnson City, TN 37601423-434-5600EmailORGANIZATIONS / NON-PROFITSDebby Gibson Real Estate CoProfile W Springbrook DrJohnson City, TN 37604423-833-4023EmailDebby Gibson Real Estate Co. is a small business with big dreams. We focus on excellent service and quality transactions. Our goal is to help the real estate industry thrive.REAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIALDelphi DevelopmentProfile800 Fairview Rd, STE 130Asheville, NC 28803828-238-7901EmailREAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS & INVESTORSDF Raines Company, LLCProfilewww.rainescompany.comP O Box 8241Gray, TN 37615423-791-9191EmailCONSULTING, MARKETING; PUBLIC RELATIONS; RADIO MANAGEMENTCONSULTANTS - BUSINESS/MGMT/DEVELOPMENTDillow-Taylor Funeral Home & Cremation Services IncProfilewww.dillow-taylor.comPO Box 98Jonesborough, TN 37659-0098423-753-3821EmailFUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICESDirty Chimney, LLCProfilewww.dirtychimney.llc499 Richfield WaySummerville, SC 29486803-455-2446EmailDirty Chimney is a Chimney Inspection & Chimney Sweep that also offers Certified Inspections and dryer vent inspections & cleanings. We are F.I.R.E Certified Inspectors, NFI Gas Specialists, CSIA & CDET Certified in Dryer vents.HOME AND BUSINESS REPAIR/MAINTAINANCEDoe River Gorge Ministries, Inc.Profilewww.doerivergorge.com220 Doe River Gorge RdHampton, TN 37658423-725-4010EmailSummer Camp and Seasonal Retreat CenterORGANIZATIONS / NON-PROFITSDon Chentes Inc.Profiledonchentesmex.com112 Broyles DriveJohnson City, TN 37601423-268-2022Emailwe invite you to visit don chentes cantina & grill restaurant and enjoy the special flavor of our food, the restaurant is family_owned and is therefore family-oriented and child-friendly,we specialize in mexican,tex-mex food,serving delicacies such aRESTAURANTS & CATERERSDoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Johnson CityProfilewww.doubletreejohnsoncity.com211 Mockingbird LnJohnson City, TN 37604423-929-2000EmailHOTELS/MOTELSDreicor, Inc.Profilewww.dreicor.com701 Old Highway RdErwin, TN 37650423-743-7542EmailCONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTORS, METAL PRODUCTS/FABRICATION/INDUSTRIALDry Clean CityProfilewww.drycleancity.com204 Sunset Drive425 W Walnut StJohnson City, TN 37604423-483-1624EmailDuke & Fox, LLCProfilewww.dukeandfox.com448 Claude Simmons RdJohnson City, TN 37604423-491-8968EmailDuke & Fox, LLC creates custom embroidered dog collars with laser engraved buckles; shipping to all fifty states and worldwide. Winner of the 2019 KOSBE Kingsport Chamber Retail Excellence Award and have sold in over 150 Alter'd State nationwide.ANIMAL & PET PRODUCTS / SERVICESDynamic Landscapes, Inc.ProfileDynamiclandscapestn.com1714 Hwy 93FALL BRANCH, TN 34656423-268-0356Email-Commercial/Residential-Design-Build-MaintainLandscape/HardscapeLANDSCAPE & LAWN MAINTENANCE/DESIGN, ADVERTISING - OUTDOOREagle Copters South LLCProfilewww.eaglecopters.com254 Lake Ridge DrJonesborough, TN 37659403-250-7370EmailHELICOPTER SALES & LEASINGEar, Nose & Throat AssociatesProfilewww.entjc.com2340 Knob Creek Rd, #704Johnson City, TN 37604423-929-9101EmailPHYSICIANS & SURGEONSEast Tenn Rent-AllsProfilewww.etra.biz3711 Bristol HighwayPO Box 3856Johnson City, TN 37602-3856423-282-3221EmailALSO VISIT WWW.CELEBRATERENTALS.BIZ AND WWW.BOBCATOFMOUNTAINEMPIRE.COMRENTAL-PARTY & EQUIPMENT, CONTRACTORS-EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIESEast Tennessee Insurance Agency, LLCProfilewww.etn-ins.com801 Sunset Dr, Bldg A, Suite 2PO Box 867Johnson City, TN 37605-0867423-926-8633EmailINSURANCEEastern Business Brokerage & Consult, LLCProfileeasternbbc.com1913 Villa CourtJohnson City, TN 37615423-440-0065EmailEastern BBC focuses on facilitating sales of businesses. A successful business sale is complex. Confidentiality and market reach seem counterintuitive. Eastern orchestrates resources, matches buyers, and unlocks your future step! Buy, Build, SellCONSULTANTS - BUSINESS/MGMT/DEVELOPMENTEastern Eight Community Development CorporationProfile Limited CentreJohnson City, TN 37604423-232-5097EmailWe’re on a mission to fulfill housing needs for low to moderate income families, making home ownership a reality for a multitude of people.ORGANIZATIONS / NON-PROFITSEastmanProfilewww.eastman.comP O Box 431Kingsport, TN 37662-0431423-229-6974Fax: 423-224-0847EmailMANUFACTURINGNew SearchPrev1...6789101112...31NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More