Business Directory Alphabetical ListingNew SearchPrev1...17181920212223...31NextMoffitts Cleaning ServiceProfile208 Mark DriveJohnson City, TN 37615423-262-3409EmailFemale owned commercial and industrial cleaningJANITORIAL & CLEANING SERVICESMoody Dunbar, IncProfilewww.moodydunbar.comPO Box 6048Johnson City, TN 37602-6048423-952-0100EmailFOOD & BEVERAGE SUPPLIERS & VENDORSMooney’s PharmacyProfile N Roan StJohnson City, TN 37604423-926-7333EmailEstablished in 1986, our Johnson City, Tenn. pharmacy is committed to superior care for Northeastern Tennessee and neighboring states. Known for expertise and principles, we ensure consistent, exceptional service that fosters trust and wellness.PHARMACIESMorris-Baker Funeral Home & Cremation ServicesProfilewww.morrisbaker.com2001 E Oakland AveJohnson City, TN 37601-2127423-282-1521EmailFUNERAL & CREMATION SERVICESMortgage Investors Princeton Rd, Suite 201Johnson City, TN 37601423-283-4702EmailMORTGAGE LOAN COMPANIESMountain Commerce BankProfilewww.mcb.com109 Memory Gardens RoadJohnson City, TN 37615423-262-5888EmailBANKS & BANKING ASSOCIATIONSMountain View Pure WaterProfile Boones Creek RdJohnson City, TN 37615423-218-9361EmailHEALTH & WELLNESS/GYMS & FITNESSMountcastle CorporationProfilewww.mountcastlecorporation.com203 Broyles DrivePO Box 4034Johnson City, TN 37602-4034423-282-6141EmailREAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS & INVESTORSMovement MortgageProfilewww.movement.com106 Pinnacle Drive, Suite 101Johnson City, TN 37615423-943-3542EmailMortgage CompanyMORTGAGE LOAN COMPANIESMr. Electric of Princeton RoadUnit 20Johnson City, TN 37601423-237-7620EmailELECTRICIANS, EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIESMr. Green Thumb IncProfilewww.mrgreenthumb.com2110 E Fairview AveJohnson City, TN 37601-2858423-282-8005EmailLocally owned and operated since 1981, Mr. Green Thumb's fertilization, weed control, and pest management programs have been growing beautiful lawns throughout the Tri-Cities (TN Charter #586).LANDSCAPE & LAWN MAINTENANCE/DESIGNMr. Handyman of Johnson CityProfilewww.mrhandyman.com2102 Forest Dr, Suite 5Gray, TN 37615423-264-2119EmailHOME AND BUSINESS REPAIR/MAINTAINANCEMullican Flooring, LPProfilewww.mullicanflooring.com655 Woodlyn RdJohnson City, TN 37601423-283-4695EmailFLOORING, MANUFACTURINGMulligan's Gaming PubProfilewww.mulligansgamingpub.com308 E Main StreetJohnson City, TN 37601423-406-1580EmailRETAIL TABLE TOP GAMING STORE / IRISH PUBRECREATION / ENTERTAINMENT / FAMILY FUN, RESTAURANTS & CATERERSN2 CompanyProfilewww.n2pub.com1604 E Oakland AveJohnson City, TN 37601423-202-3384EmailWe grow word-of-mouth referrals through direct social maraketing and personal introductions. Along with the neighborhood newsletters, we host social events for the families and invite our neighborhood sponsors (advertisers) in four neighborhood newsletters to attend our events so we can personally introduce them to the families who live in the neighborhoods. We are relationship builders. Our families do business with the people they know, like and trust. We help to plant those seeds and help our business partners grow their client base behind the gates of our affluent communities and with the people these families influence. We help businesses grow! ADVERTISING BROCHURE DISTRIBUTION, MAGAZINESNew Life MedicineProfilewww.newlifemedicinegroup.com2408 Susannah StJohnson City, TN 37601423-434-6677EmailNew Life Medicine provides the highest quality of care in our community struggling with chemical dependency and addiction. We offer a holistic approach to recovery that is individualized to meet the unique needs of each patient.HEALTH PROFESSIONALSNewsChannel 11Profilewww.wjhl.com338 E Main StreetJohnson City, TN 37601423-926-2151EmailTELEVISION STATIONSNiswonger Performing Arts CenterProfilewww.npacgreeneville.com212 Tusculum BoulevardPO Box 727Greeneville, TN 37744423-638-1328EmailNPAC is an 1150 seat state of the art performing arts center offering a variety of performances. From bluegrass to ballet, classic rock to jazz, NPAC brings outstanding entertainment for the entire family. PERFORMING ARTS CENTERSNortheast State Community CollegeProfilewww.northeaststate.eduPO Box 246Blountville, TN 37617-0246423-323-3191EmailSCHOOLS, COLLEGES & EDUCATIONNortheast Tennessee Association of REALTORSProfilewww.netar.us105 Tri City Business Park DrJohnson City, TN 37615423-477-0040EmailREAL ESTATE - COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL/INDUSTRIALNew SearchPrev1...17181920212223...31NextMembership Directory | Chamber Calendar of Events | Member Account | Community Events Calendar | Job Opportunities | Member Promotions | Member News | New Online Inquiry Discover Chamber Benefits Learn More